Man pages for forestplot
Advanced Forest Plot Using 'grid' Graphics

assertAndRetrieveTidyValueRetriever of 'tidyselect'
dfHRQoLRegression coefficients and confidence intervals from HRQoL...
drawHorizontalLinesDraws the horizontal lines
forestplotDraws a forest plot
forestplot-packagePackage description
fp_add_linesAdds a line to the graph
fpColorsA function for the color elements used in forestplot()
fp_decorate_graphDecorate the graph
fpDrawCIDraw standard confidence intervals
fpLegendA function for the legend used in forestplot()
fp_set_zebra_styleDecorate the plot with a zebra pattern
fpShapesGpA function for graphical parameters of the shapes used in...
fpTxtGpGet font settings for forestplot
getTicksTicks for plot axis
heightDetails.xaxisGets the height for an x-axis object
HRQoLRegression coefficients and confidence intervals from HRQoL...
prDefaultGpConstruct default parameters from arguments that may include...
prepAlignPrepares graph position
prepGraphPositionsPrepares graph position
prepGridMarginsConvert margins to viewport npc margins
prepLabelTextPrepares label text
prepLinesPrepares the lines for the plot
prFpConvertMultidimArrayConverts a 2D or 3D array to mean, lower, upper
prFpDrawLineDraws a straight line
prFpFetchRowLabelGet the label
prFpFindWidestGrobFinds the widest grob in the current list of grobs
prFpGetConfintFnListGet a function list
prFpGetLayoutVPGet the main 'forestplot'
prFpGetLegendBoxPositionConverts legend position to a standard position
prFpPrepareLegendMarkerPrepares the legend marker function
prFpPrintLabelsPlots the labels
prFpValidateLabelListValidate the forestplot label list
prFpXrangeGets the x-axis range
prGetLabelsListGets the forestplot labels
prGetShapeGpA function to extract graphical parameters from a fpShapesGp...
prGetTextGrobCexJust a simple access to the gp$cex parameter
prGparMergeMerges two 'gpar' elements
prGridPlotTitleAdds a title to the plot
prListRepAn alternative to rep()
prMergeGpA function to merge two sets of graphical parameters
prPopulateListPopulate a list corresponding to matrix specs
prPushMarginViewportPushes viewport with margins
row_manipulationInsert/append rows into forestplot
safeLoadPackageSafely loads package
style_manipulationSet the style of the graph
text_stylingText styling
forestplot documentation built on Aug. 26, 2023, 5:07 p.m.