Man pages for future.batchtools
A Future API for Parallel and Distributed Processing using 'batchtools'

batchtools_customBatchtools futures for custom batchtools configuration
BatchtoolsFutureA batchtools future is a future whose value will be resolved...
BatchtoolsFutureErrorFutureError class for errors related to BatchtoolsFuture:s
batchtools_localbatchtools local and interactive futures
batchtools_multicorebatchtools multicore futures
batchtools_sshbatchtools SSH futures
batchtools_templateBatchtools futures for LSF, OpenLava, SGE, Slurm, TORQUE etc.
delete.BatchtoolsFutureRemoves a batchtools future
future.batchtoolsfuture.batchtools: A Future for batchtools
future.batchtools.optionsOptions used for batchtools futures
grapes-resources-grapesTemporarily tweaks the resources for the current batchtools...
loggedOutputLogged output of batchtools future
nbrOfWorkers.batchtoolsGets the number of batchtools workers
print.BatchtoolsFuturePrints a batchtools future
future.batchtools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:18 a.m.