Man pages for geomtextpath
Curved Text in 'ggplot2'

coord_curvedpolarPolar coordinates with curved text on x axis
geom_textablineLabelled reference lines: horizontal, vertical, and diagonal
geom_textcontourProduce labelled contour lines in 'ggplot2'
geom_textcurveText on a curve
geom_textdensityProduce smoothly labelled density plots in 'ggplot2'
geom_textdensity2dProduce labelled contour lines of 2D density in 'ggplot2'
geom_textpathAdd Curved Text Along Paths in 'ggplot2'
GeomTextpathThe Geom object for a textpath
geomtextpath-packagegeomtextpath: Curved Text in 'ggplot2'
geom_textsegmentAdd text to line segments
geom_textsfVisualise sf objects with labels
geom_textsmoothLabelled conditional means in 'ggplot2'
guide_axis_textpathTextpath axis
scale_hjust_discretejustification scales
sibling_layersSibling layers
static_text_paramsSet static parameters
textpathGrobDraw text on a path.
waterwaysA simple features data frame of three Scottish waterways
geomtextpath documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:02 a.m.