Man pages for geouy
Geographic Information of Uruguay

add_geomThis function allows you to add a geom variable with a code...
geocode_ide_uyA function to geocoding directions using IDE_uy
geouy'geouy' package
is.uy32721This function test if an 'sf' object match with Uruguay at...
is.uy4326This function test if an 'sf' object match with Uruguay at...
is.uy5381This function test if an 'sf' object match with Uruguay at...
is.uy5382This function test if an 'sf' object match with Uruguay at...
load_geouyThis function allows to take oficial uruguayan geometries, as...
loc_agr_ineINE "Localidades Agregadas"
metadataMetadata of geoservices for Uruguay
metadata_tablesMetadata of tables for Uruguay
metadata_wmsMetadata of WMS for Uruguay
mvd_barrios_gridMontevideo barrios grid
pipePipe operator
reverse_ide_uyA function to reverse geocoding from coordinates (EPSG 4326)...
tiles_geouyThis function allows to Download .jpg or .tif files from the...
uy_deptos_gridUruguay Departments grid
where_uyThis function return an 'sf' object with the geometry of the...
which_uyThis function allows to add to an 'sf' object its spatial...
geouy documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 5:07 p.m.