Man pages for ggOceanMaps
Plot Data on Oceanographic Maps using 'ggplot2'

auto_limitsAutomatic limits for basemap
basemapCreate a ggplot2 basemap for plotting variables
basemap_dataCreate basemapData object for basemap plotting
clip_shapefileClip a shapefile using a bounding area
dd_clip_boundaryCreate clip boundary from decimal degree limits
dd_landDecimal degree land shapes
dd_rbathyDecimal degree bathymetry
dd_to_degConvert decimal degree values to angular degrees
define_bathy_styleDefine bathymetry style for 'basemap'
define_shapefilesDefine a shapefile to use in plotting from the limits...
deg_to_ddConvert angular degrees to decimal degree values
dist2landCalculate distance to the closest land for coordinates
fdir_main_areasMajor fisheries areas (hovedomraade) of Norway
fdir_sub_areasNorwegian sub-areas (lokasjon) for commercial fishing
FSConvert font sizes measured as points to ggplot font sizes
geonorge_bathymetryOpen Geonorge bathymetry shapefiles
get_depthExtract depth for coordinates from a raster bathymetry...
ggOceanMaps-packagePlot Data on Oceanographic Maps using ggplot2
guess_coordinate_columnsGuess longitude and latitude columns in a data frame
ices_areasICES Advisory Areas
is_decimal_limitTest whether a limit argument is specified as decimal...
load_map_dataLoad large shapefile objects
LSConvert line sizes measured as points to ggplot line sizes
map_cmdReturn map elements for basemap
qmapQuick map
quietReturn function output quietly
raster_bathymetrySimplify a bathymetry raster ready for vectorization
reorder_layersMove 'basemap' land, glacier and grid layers on top of other...
rotate_crsRotate CRS
round_anyRound to multiple of any number
select_elementSelect an element of each vector from a list
shapefile_listA list of pre-made shapefiles for 'basemap'
theme_mapA ggplot2 theme for maps
transform_coordTransform spatial coordinates to another projection
vector_bathymetryCreate a polygon bathymetry from a raster bathymetry file
ggOceanMaps documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:36 a.m.