Man pages for ggcharts
Shorten the Distance from Data Visualization Idea to Actual Plot

bar_chartBar Chart
biomedicalrevenueTop Biomedical Companies Revenues.
diverging_bar_chartDiverging Bar Chart
diverging_lollipop_chartDiverging Lollipop Chart
dumbbell_chartDumbbell Chart
ggcharts_get_default_colorGet the Default Color for a ggcharts Theme
ggcharts_get_themeGet and Set the Currently Active ggcharts Theme
highlight_specHighlight Specification
lollipop_chartLollipop Chart
popchPopulation Statistics of Switzerland
popeuropeEuropean Population
pyramid_chartPyramid Chart
theme_ggchartsTheme ggcharts
theme_hermitTheme Hermit
theme_ngTheme NG
theme_nightblueTheme Nightblue
ggcharts documentation built on July 1, 2020, 11:23 p.m.