Man pages for ggnetwork
Geometries to Plot Networks with 'ggplot2'

fortifyfortify generic
fortify.igraphFortify method for networks of class 'igraph'
fortify.networkFortify method for networks of class 'network'
geom_edgesDraw the edges of a network.
geom_edgetextLabel the edges of a network.
geom_edgetext_repelDraw repulsive edge labels.
geom_nodesDraw the nodes of a network.
geom_nodetextLabel the nodes of a network.
geom_nodetext_repelDraw repulsive node labels
ggnetworkFortify network objects.
scale_safelyRescale x to (0, 1), except if x is constant
theme_blankBlank ggplot2 theme, suited for plotting networks.
theme_facetBlank ggplot2 theme with a panel border.
ggnetwork documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:32 a.m.