Man pages for ggpcp
Parallel Coordinate Plots in the 'ggplot2' Framework

aes_pcpWrapper for aes defaults
CarcinomaData set: Assessment of Carcinoma slides
geom_pcpGeneralized Parallel Coordinate plots
GeomPcpProto version of the pcp geoms
geom_pcp_axesGeneralized Parallel Coordinate plots
geom_pcp_boxesGeneralized Parallel Coordinate plots
geom_pcp_labelsGeneralized Parallel Coordinate plots
ggpcp-packageggpcp: Parallel Coordinate Plots in the 'ggplot2' Framework
nasaData set: NASA - Data Expo 2006
pcp_arrangeData wrangling for GPCPs: Step 3 order observations in factor...
pcp_scaleData wrangling for GPCPs: Step 2 scale values
pcp_selectData wrangling for GPCPs: Step 1 variable selection
theme_pcpTheme for parallel coordinate plots
ggpcp documentation built on Nov. 28, 2022, 5:05 p.m.