Man pages for ggridges
Ridgeline Plots in 'ggplot2'

Aus_athletesAustralian athletes
Catalan_electionsResults from Catalan regional elections (1980-2015)
geom_density_lineSmoothed density estimates drawn with a ridgeline rather than...
geom_density_ridgesCreate ridgeline plot
geom_ridgelinePlot a ridgeline (line with filled area underneath)
geom_ridgeline_gradientPlot ridgelines and ridgeline plots with fill gradients along...
geom_vridgelinePlot a vertical ridgeline (ridgeline rotated 90 degrees)
ggridges-packageRidgeline plots with ggplot2
lincoln_weatherWeather in Lincoln, Nebraska in 2016.
position_points_jitterRandomly jitter the points in a ridgeline plot
position_points_sinaRandomly distribute points in a ridgeline plot between...
position_raincloudCreate a cloud of randomly jittered points below a ridgeline...
reduceReduce a list to a single value by iteratively applying a...
scale_cyclicalCreate a discrete scale that cycles between values
scale_pointScales for point aesthetics
scale_vlineScales for vline aesthetics
stat_binlineStat for histogram ridgeline plots
stat_density_ridgesStat for density ridgeline plots
theme_ridgesA custom theme specifically for use with ridgeline plots
ggridges documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:53 a.m.