Man pages for ghclass
Tools for Managing Classes on GitHub

actionRetrieve information about GitHub Actions workflows and their...
action_badgeAdd or remove GitHub Actions badges from a repository
branchCreate and delete branches in a repository
github_api_limitTools for limiting gh's GitHub api requests.
github_orgsCollect details on the authenticated user's GitHub...
github_tokenTools for handling GitHub personal access tokens (PAT)
github_whoamiReturns the login of the authenticated user (based on the...
github_with_pat'withr'-like functions for temporary personal access token
issueGitHub Issue related tools
local_repoFunctions for managing local git repositories
local_repo_renameRename local directories using a vector of patterns and...
org_create_assignmentCreate a team or individual assignment
org_detailsObtain details on an organization's repos and teams
org_membersTools for managing organization membership
org_permOrganization permissions
pagesRetrieve information about GitHub Pages sites and builds.
prGitHub Pull Request related tools
repo_coreGitHub Repository tools - core functions
repo_detailsGitHub Repository tools - repository details
repo_fileGitHub Repository tools - file functions
repo_notificationGitHub Repository tools - notification functions
repo_styleStyle repository with styler
repo_userGitHub Repository tools - user functions
teamCreate, delete, and rename teams within an organization
team_membersTools for inviting, removing, and managing members of an...
userGitHub user related tools
ghclass documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:44 a.m.