glmpca: Dimension Reduction of Non-Normally Distributed Data

Implements a generalized version of principal components analysis (GLM-PCA) for dimension reduction of non-normally distributed data such as counts or binary matrices. Townes FW, Hicks SC, Aryee MJ, Irizarry RA (2019) <doi:10.1186/s13059-019-1861-6>. Townes FW (2019) <arXiv:1907.02647>.

Package details

AuthorF. William Townes [aut, cre, cph], Kelly Street [aut], Jake Yeung [ctb]
MaintainerF. William Townes <>
LicenseLGPL (>= 3) | file LICENSE
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the glmpca package in your browser

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glmpca documentation built on July 19, 2020, 1:06 a.m.