Man pages for goft
Tests of Fit for some Probability Distributions

cauchy.testTests for the Cauchy distribution
de.testTests for the Laplace or double exponential distribution
ev.testTests for the extreme value distributions
exp.testTests for exponentiality
gamma.fitFitting the Gamma distribution to data
gamma.testTest for the Gamma distribution
goatsZoometric measurements of goats
gp.fitFitting the generalized Pareto distribution to data
gp.testBootstrap test for the generalized Pareto distribution
ig.fitFitting the Inverse Gaussian distribution to data
ig.testTests for the Inverse Gaussian distribution
lnorm.testTest for the lognormal distribution
mvShapiro.TestShapiro-Wilk test for multivariate normality
normalTest for normality
o3maxMonthly maximum ozone concentrations
ozoneOzone concentrations over 0.165 ppm
snTest for skew normality
strengthCompressive strength of maize seeds
weibull.testTest for the Weibull distribution
goft documentation built on July 1, 2020, 5:56 p.m.