Man pages for googleCloudRunner
R Scripts in the Google Cloud via Cloud Run, Cloud Build and Cloud Scheduler

BuildBuild Object
BuildTriggerBuildTrigger Object
cr_bucket_setGet/Set the Cloud Storage bucket for your Cloud Build Service
cr_buildStarts a build with the specified configuration.
cr_build_artifactsDownload artifacts from a build
cr_build_listLists the build
cr_build_logsDownload logs from a Cloud Build
cr_build_makeMake a Cloud Build object out of a cloudbuild.yml file
cr_build_sourceBuild a source object
cr_build_statusReturns information about a previously requested build.
cr_buildstepCreate a yaml build step
cr_buildstep_bashRun a bash script in a Cloud Build step
cr_buildstep_compute_containerBuildstep to deploy to Google Compute Engine
cr_buildstep_decryptCreate a build step for decrypting files via KMS
cr_buildstep_dfConvert a data.frame into cr_buildstep
cr_buildstep_dockerCreate a build step to build and push a docker image
cr_buildstep_editModify an existing buildstep with new parameters
cr_buildstep_extractExtract a buildstep from a Build object
cr_buildstep_gcloudA buildstep template for gcloud
cr_buildstep_gitCreate a build step for authenticating with Git
cr_buildstep_mailgunSend an email in a Cloud Build step via
cr_buildstep_nginx_setupSetup nginx for Cloud Run in a buildstep
cr_buildstep_packagetestsDo R package tests and upload to Codecov
cr_buildstep_pkgdownCreate buildsteps for deploying an R pkgdown website to...
cr_buildstep_rRun an R script in a Cloud Build R step
cr_buildstep_runCreate buildsteps to deploy to Cloud Run
cr_buildstep_secretCreate a buildstep for using Secret Manager
cr_buildstep_slackSend a Slack message to a channel from a Cloud Build step
cr_buildstep_targetsBuildstep to run a targets pipeline on Cloud Build
cr_build_targetsSet up Google Cloud Build to run a targets pipeline
cr_buildtriggerCreate a new BuildTrigger
cr_buildtrigger_copyCopy a buildtrigger
cr_buildtrigger_deleteDeletes a 'BuildTrigger' by its project ID and trigger...
cr_buildtrigger_editUpdates a 'BuildTrigger' by its project ID and trigger...
cr_buildtrigger_getReturns information about a 'BuildTrigger'.This API is...
cr_buildtrigger_listLists existing 'BuildTrigger's.This API is experimental.
cr_buildtrigger_pubsubCreate a buildtrigger pub/sub object
cr_buildtrigger_repoCreate a buildtrigger repo object
cr_buildtrigger_runRuns a 'BuildTrigger' at a particular source revision.
cr_buildtrigger_webhookCreate a buildtrigger webhook object
cr_build_upload_gcsCreate a StorageSource
cr_build_waitWait for a Build to run
cr_build_writeWrite out a Build object to cloudbuild.yaml
cr_build_yamlCreate a cloudbuild Yaml object in R
cr_build_yaml_artifactAdd an artifact for cloudbuild.yaml
cr_build_yaml_secretsCreate an availableSecrets entry for build yaml
cr_deploy_badgerDeploy a Cloud Run app to display build badges
cr_deploy_dockerDeploy a local Dockerfile to be built on ContainerRegistry
cr_deploy_docker_triggerDeploy Docker build from a Git repo
cr_deploy_gadgetLaunch the googleCloudRunner deployment RStudio gadget
cr_deploy_packagetestsDeploy a cloudbuild.yml for R package tests and upload to...
cr_deploy_pkgdownDeploy a cloudbuild.yml for a pkgdown website of an R package
cr_deploy_rDeploy an R script with an optional schedule
cr_deploy_runDeploy to Cloud Run
cr_deploy_run_websiteDeploy HTML built from a repo each commit
cr_email_setGet/Set cloud build email
cr_jwt_createCreate a JSON Web Token (JWT) from your service client and...
cr_plumber_pubsubPlumber - Pub/Sub parser
cr_project_setGet/Set the projectId for your CloudRun services
cr_pubsubSend a message to pubsub
cr_regionsCloud Run Regions
cr_region_setGet/Set the endpoint for your CloudRun services
cr_runCreate a CloudRun service.
cr_run_emailCreate an invoker email for use within authenticated Cloud...
cr_run_getGet information about a Cloud Run service.
cr_run_listList CloudRun services.
cr_run_schedule_httpCreate a Cloud Scheduler HTTP target for a private Cloud Run...
cr_scheduleCreate a Cloud Scheduler HTTP target from a Cloud Build...
cr_schedule_buildSchedule a Build object via HTTP or PubSub
cr_schedule_deleteDeletes a scheduled job.
cr_schedule_getGets a scheduler job.
cr_schedule_listLists Cloud Scheduler jobs.
cr_schedule_pausePauses and resumes a scheduled job.
cr_schedule_runForces a job to run now.
cr_setupA helper setup function for setting up use with...
cr_setup_authCreate a service account for googleCloudRunner
cr_setup_serviceGive a service account the right permissions for...
cr_setup_testRun tests over your setup
cr_sourcerepo_listList source repositories available under a project
GitHubEventsConfigGitHubEventsConfig Object
googleCloudRunnerLaunch R scripts into the Google Cloud via Cloud Build, Cloud...
HttpTargetHttpTarget Object
JobJob Schedule Object
PubsubConfigPubsub Config (Build Trigger)
PubsubTargetPubsub Target Object (Cloud Scheduler)
RepoSourceRepoSource Object
SourceSource Object
StorageSourceStorageSource Object
WebhookConfigWebhookConfig (Build Triggers)
googleCloudRunner documentation built on March 18, 2022, 8 p.m.