Man pages for googleLanguageR
Call Google's 'Natural Language' API, 'Cloud Translation' API, 'Cloud Speech' API and 'Cloud Text-to-Speech' API

gl_authAuthenticate with Google language API services
gl_nlpPerform Natural Language Analysis
gl_speechCall Google Speech API
gl_speech_opGet a speech operation
gl_talkPerform text to speech
gl_talk_languagesGet a list of voices available for text to speech
gl_talk_playerPlay audio in a browser
gl_talk_shinySpeak in Shiny module (server)
gl_talk_shinyUISpeak in Shiny module (ui)
gl_translateTranslate the language of text within a request
gl_translate_detectDetect the language of text within a request
gl_translate_languagesLists languages from Google Translate API
is.NullObA helper function that tests whether an object is either NULL...
rmNullObsRecursively step down into list, removing all such objects
googleLanguageR documentation built on April 19, 2020, 3:58 p.m.