Man pages for graphPAF
Estimating and Displaying Population Attributable Fractions

automatic_fitAutomatic fitting of probability models in a pre-specified...
average_pafCalculation of average and sequential paf taking into account...
data_cleanClean a dataset to make model fitting more efficient
do_simInternal: Simulate a column from the post intervention...
graphPAFEstimating and Displaying Population Attributable Fractions
Hordaland_dataSimulated case control dataset for 5000 cases (individuals...
if_bruzziInternal: Calculation of an impact fraction using the Bruzzi...
if_directInternal: Calculation of an impact fraction using the direct...
impact_fractionGeneral calculations of impact fractions
joint_pafCalculation of joint attributable fractions over several risk...
PAF_calc_continuousCalculation of attributable fractions with a continuous...
PAF_calc_discreteCalculation of attributable fractions using a categorized...
paf_levinImplementation of Levin's formula for summary data
paf_miettinenImplementation of Miettinen's formula for summary data
plot_continuousPlot hazard ratios, odds ratios or risk ratios comparing...
plot.PAF_qPlot impact fractions corresponding to risk-quantiles over... a fan_plot of a object
plot.SAF_summaryProduce plots of sequential and average PAF
predict_df_continuousInternal: Create a data frame for predictions (when risk...
predict_df_discreteInternal: Create a data frame for predictions (when risk...
print.PAF_qPrint out PAF_q for differing risk factors
print.SAF_summaryPrint out a SAF_summary object
ps_pafEstimate pathway specific population attributable fractions
pspaf_discreteInternal, pathway specific PAF when the mediator is discrete
rf_summaryCreate a object
risk_quantilesReturn the vector of risk quantiles for a continuous risk...
seq_pafCalculation of sequential PAF taking into account risk factor...
sim_outnodeInternal: Simulate from the post intervention distribution...
stroke_reducedSimulated case control dataset for 6856 stroke cases and 6856...
graphPAF documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:21 a.m.