Man pages for graphclust
Hierarchical Graph Clustering for a Collection of Networks

ARIAdjusted Rand index
degreeSortSort stochastic block model parameter in a unique way using...
fitSBMcollectionFit a unique stochastic block model to a collection of...
fitSimpleSBMFit a stochastic block model to every network in a collection...
graphClusteringHierarchical graph clustering algorithm
graphMomentsClusteringGraph clustering method using graph moments
graphonL2norm(squared) L2-norm of the graphons associated with two...
graphonSpectralClusteringGraph clustering using the pairwise graphon distances and...
metagraphPlot the metagraph of the parameter of the stochastic block...
momentsComputation of graph moments of a network
permutParamPermute block labels of a stochastic block model parameter
plotDendrogramPlot dendrogram to visualize the clustering obtained by the...
rCollectSBMSimulate a sample of networks of a stochastic block model
rMixSBMSimulate a collection of networks of a mixture of stochastic...
rsbmSimulate a network of a stochastic block model
sampleDPAgeneration of a network of the directed preferential...
sampleDPAMixtureGeneration of a mixture of directed preferential attachment...
sbmNorm(squared) norm between two stochastic block models
graphclust documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:18 p.m.