Man pages for gtfstools
General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Editing and Analysing Tools

as_dt_gtfsCoerce lists and GTFS objects from other packages into...
convert_from_standardConvert a standards-compliant GTFS into a gtfstools' GTFS
convert_sf_to_shapesConvert a simple feature object into a 'shapes' table
convert_shapes_to_sfConvert 'shapes' table to simple feature object
convert_stops_to_sfConvert 'stops' table to simple feature object
convert_time_to_secondsConvert time fields to seconds after midnight
convert_to_standardConvert a gtfstools' GTFS into a standards-compliant GTFS
copy_gtfs_diff_field_classMake a GTFS copy with a field of a different class
copy_gtfs_without_fieldMake a GTFS copy without a given field from a given file
copy_gtfs_without_fileMake a GTFS copy without a given file
date_to_integerConvert a Date vector into an integer vector
download_validatorDownload MobilityData's GTFS validator
filter_by_agency_idFilter GTFS object by 'agency_id'
filter_by_route_idFilter GTFS object by 'route_id'
filter_by_route_typeFilter GTFS object by 'route_type' (transport mode)
filter_by_service_idFilter GTFS object by 'service_id'
filter_by_sfFilter a GTFS object using a simple features object...
filter_by_shape_idFilter GTFS object by 'shape_id'
filter_by_spatial_extentFilter a GTFS object using a spatial extent
filter_by_stop_idFilter GTFS object by 'stop_id'
filter_by_time_of_dayFilter GTFS object by time of day
filter_by_trip_idFilter GTFS object by 'trip_id'
filter_by_weekdayFilter GTFS object by weekday
frequencies_to_stop_timesConvert frequencies to stop times
get_children_stopsGet children stops recursively
get_parent_stationGet parent stations recursively
get_stop_times_patternsGet stop times patterns
get_trip_durationGet trip duration
get_trip_geometryGet trip geometry
get_trip_lengthGet trip length
get_trip_segment_durationGet trip segments' duration
get_trip_speedGet trip speed
gtfstoolsgtfstools: General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Editing...
integer_to_dateConvert an integer vector into a Date vector
merge_gtfsMerge GTFS files
read_gtfsRead GTFS files
remove_duplicatesRemove duplicated entries
seconds_to_stringConvert seconds after midnight to time string
set_trip_speedSet trip average speed
string_to_secondsConvert time string to seconds after midnight
validate_gtfsValidate GTFS feed
write_gtfsWrite GTFS files
gtfstools documentation built on Oct. 8, 2024, 1:08 a.m.