Man pages for happign
R Interface to 'IGN' Web Services

cog_2023COG 2023
get_apicarto_cadastreApicarto Cadastre
get_apicarto_codes_postauxApicarto Codes Postaux
get_apicarto_gpuApicarto module Geoportail de l'urbanisme
get_apicarto_rpgApicarto RPG (Registre Parcellaire Graphique)
get_apicarto_viticoleApicarto Appellations viticoles
get_apikeysList of all API keys from IGN
get_isoisochronous/isodistance calculations
get_last_newsPrint latest news from geoservice website
get_layers_metadataMetadata for one couple of apikey and data_type
get_location_infoRetrieve additional information for wms layer
get_raw_lidarDownload raw LIDAR data
get_wfsDownload WFS layer
get_wms_rasterDownload WMS raster layer
get_wmtsDownload WMTS raster tiles
happign documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:17 p.m.