Man pages for hdtg
Generate Samples from Multivariate Truncated Normal Distributions

choleskyEfficient Cholesky decomposition
createEngineCreate a Zigzag-HMC engine object
createNutsEngineCreate a Zigzag-NUTS engine object
getInitialPositionGet an eligible initial value for a MTN with given mean and...
getZigzagSampleDraw one MTN sample with Zigzag-HMC or Zigzag-NUTS
harmonicHMCSample from a truncated Gaussian distribution with the...
setMeanSet the mean for the target MTN
setPrecisionSet the precision matrix for the target MTN
zigzagHMCSample from a truncated Gaussian distribution
hdtg documentation built on Aug. 7, 2022, 1:06 a.m.