Man pages for helda
Preprocess Data and Get Better Insights from Machine Learning Models

cluster_centroidCentroid of a cluster
compute_global_inertiaInertia of a data frame
compute_inertia_ahcIntra group inertia for choosing the optimal number of...
create_calendarComplete empty calendar
create_formulaCreate a formula
gap_to_fillFilling intermediate gaps in a time serie
kmeans_procedureK-means procedure
lift_curveLift curve graph
lift_effectLift effect curve
proc_freqSAS proc freq in R
start_end_to_fillFunction for filling start and end gaps in time series
titanic_testingTitanic testing data set
titanic_trainingTitanic training data set
titanic_validationTitanic validation data set
windows_to_linux_pathConvert windows path into linux path
world_countries_popWorld countries population from 1960 to 2018
helda documentation built on Jan. 6, 2021, 5:09 p.m.