API for hopit
Hierarchical Ordered Probit Models with Application to Reporting Heterogeneity

Global functions
AIC.hopit Man page
LLFunc Source code
LLFuncIndv Source code
LLGradFunc Source code
LLGradFuncIndv Source code
Vector2DummyMat Source code
analyse.formulas Source code
anova.hopit Man page
boot_hopit Man page Source code
calcYYY Source code
check_decreasing.levels Source code
check_design Source code
check_latent_formula Source code
check_response Source code
check_thresh_formula Source code
check_vcov Source code
classify.ind Source code
coef.hopit Man page Source code
coefficients.hopit Man page
colpath Source code
cumsum_row Source code
decomposeinteractions Source code
disabilityWeights Man page
drop.levels.data Source code
drop.levels.response Source code
dstdlogis Source code
dstdnorm Source code
findintercept Source code
formula2classes Source code
get.hopit.start Man page Source code
getCutPoints Man page Source code
getLevels Man page
getThresholds Source code
glm2hopit Source code
glm2hopit_nogamma Source code
healthIndex Man page
healthsurvey Man page
hopit Man page Source code
hopit.control Man page Source code
hopit_ExtractParameters Source code
hopit_Latent Man page Source code
hopit_Threshold Man page Source code
hopit_c_link Source code
hopit_derivLL Man page Source code
hopit_fitter Man page Source code
hopit_msg Source code
hopit_negLL Man page Source code
ind_latent_thresh Source code
latentIndex Man page Source code
logLik.hopit Man page
lrt.hopit Man page
my.grad Source code
order.as.in Source code
percentile_CI Man page Source code
plot.hopitCP Man page Source code
plot.hopitDW Man page Source code
plot.hopitHI Man page Source code
plot.hopitLV Man page
plot.profile.hopit Man page
print.hopit Man page Source code
print.hopitDW Source code
print.hopitHI Source code
print.lrt.hopit Man page
print.profile.hopit Man page
print.summary.hopit Source code
print.summary.hopitDW Source code
print.vcov.hopit Source code
profile.hopit Man page
pstdlogis Source code
pstdnorm Source code
rep_row Source code
sigma.hopit Man page
sort_terms Source code
standardiseCoef Man page
standardizeCoef Man page
start_glm Source code
summary.hopit Man page Source code
summary.hopitDW Source code
summary.hopitHI Source code
svy.varcoef_hopit Man page
transform.data Source code
untable Source code
update.latent Source code
vcov.hopit Man page Source code
hopit documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:55 p.m.