Man pages for html5
Creates Valid HTML5 Strings

aGenerate the <a> HTML tag.
abbrGenerate the <abbr> HTML tag.
addressGenerate the <address> HTML tag.
appletGenerate the <applet> HTML tag.
areaGenerate the <area> HTML tag.
articleGenerate the <article> HTML tag.
asideGenerate the <aside> HTML tag.
attr_helperHelper function to generate HTML5 attribute strings
audioGenerate the <audio> HTML tag.
bGenerate the <b> HTML tag.
baseGenerate the <base> HTML tag.
bdiGenerate the <bdi> HTML tag.
bdoGenerate the <bdo> HTML tag.
blockquoteGenerate the <blockquote> HTML tag.
bodyGenerate the <body> HTML tag.
boolean_attributesVector of boolean attributes
brGenerate the <br> HTML tag.
buttonGenerate the <button> HTML tag.
canvasGenerate the <canvas> HTML tag.
captionGenerate the <caption> HTML tag.
citeGenerate the <cite> HTML tag.
codeGenerate the <code> HTML tag.
colGenerate the <col> HTML tag.
colgroupGenerate the <colgroup> HTML tag.
contentGenerate the <content> HTML tag.
content_indenterAdd new lines and tabs to format HTML content.
dataGenerate the <data> HTML tag.
datalistGenerate the <datalist> HTML tag.
ddGenerate the <dd> HTML tag.
delGenerate the <del> HTML tag.
detailsGenerate the <details> HTML tag.
dfnGenerate the <dfn> HTML tag.
dialogGenerate the <dialog> HTML tag.
divGenerate the <div> HTML tag.
dlGenerate the <dl> HTML tag.
doctypeGenerate HTML document string with properly declared DOCTYPE.
dtGenerate the <dt> HTML tag.
emGenerate the <em> HTML tag.
embedGenerate the <embed> HTML tag.
empty_tag_helperHelper function to generate HTML5 strings without end tags
fieldsetGenerate the <fieldset> HTML tag.
figcaptionGenerate the <figcaption> HTML tag.
figureGenerate the <figure> HTML tag.
footerGenerate the <footer> HTML tag.
formGenerate the <form> HTML tag.
formatted_tag_helperHelper function to generate HTML5 strings formatted with new...
h1Generate the <h1> HTML tag.
h2Generate the <h2> HTML tag.
h3Generate the <h3> HTML tag.
h4Generate the <h4> HTML tag.
h5Generate the <h5> HTML tag.
h6Generate the <h6> HTML tag.
headGenerate the <head> HTML tag.
headerGenerate the <header> HTML tag.
hrGenerate the <hr> HTML tag.
htmlGenerate the <html> HTML tag.
html5_varsEnvironment to set formatted to TRUE/FALSE
iGenerate the <i> HTML tag.
iframeGenerate the <iframe> HTML tag.
imgGenerate the <img> HTML tag.
inputGenerate the <input> HTML tag.
insGenerate the <ins> HTML tag.
kbdGenerate the <kbd> HTML tag.
keygenGenerate the <keygen> HTML tag.
labelGenerate the <label> HTML tag.
legendGenerate the <legend> HTML tag.
liGenerate the <li> HTML tag.
linkGenerate the <link> HTML tag.
mainGenerate the <main> HTML tag.
mapGenerate the <map> HTML tag.
markGenerate the <mark> HTML tag.
menuGenerate the <menu> HTML tag.
menuitemGenerate the <menuitem> HTML tag.
metaGenerate the <meta> HTML tag.
meterGenerate the <meter> HTML tag.
navGenerate the <nav> HTML tag.
noscriptGenerate the <noscript> HTML tag.
objectGenerate the <object> HTML tag.
olGenerate the <ol> HTML tag.
optgroupGenerate the <optgroup> HTML tag.
optionGenerate the <option> HTML tag.
outputGenerate the <output> HTML tag.
pGenerate the <p> HTML tag.
paramGenerate the <param> HTML tag.
pictureGenerate the <picture> HTML tag.
preGenerate the <pre> HTML tag.
progressGenerate the <progress> HTML tag.
qGenerate the <q> HTML tag.
rbGenerate the <rb> HTML tag.
rpGenerate the <rp> HTML tag.
rtGenerate the <rt> HTML tag.
rtcGenerate the <rtc> HTML tag.
rubyGenerate the <ruby> HTML tag.
sGenerate the <s> HTML tag.
sampGenerate the <samp> HTML tag.
scriptGenerate the <script> HTML tag.
sectionGenerate the <section> HTML tag.
selectGenerate the <select> HTML tag.
shadowGenerate the <shadow> HTML tag.
slotGenerate the <slot> HTML tag.
smallGenerate the <small> HTML tag.
sourceGenerate the <source> HTML tag.
spanGenerate the <span> HTML tag.
strongGenerate the <strong> HTML tag.
styleGenerate the <style> HTML tag.
subGenerate the <sub> HTML tag.
summaryGenerate the <summary> HTML tag.
supGenerate the <sup> HTML tag.
tableGenerate the <table> HTML tag.
tag_helperHelper function to generate HTML5 strings with end tags
tbodyGenerate the <tbody> HTML tag.
tdGenerate the <td> HTML tag.
templateGenerate the <template> HTML tag.
textareaGenerate the <textarea> HTML tag.
tfootGenerate the <tfoot> HTML tag.
thGenerate the <th> HTML tag.
theadGenerate the <thead> HTML tag.
timeGenerate the <time> HTML tag.
titleGenerate the <title> HTML tag.
trGenerate the <tr> HTML tag.
trackGenerate the <track> HTML tag.
ttGenerate the <tt> HTML tag.
uGenerate the <u> HTML tag.
ulGenerate the <ul> HTML tag.
varGenerate the <var> HTML tag.
videoGenerate the <video> HTML tag.
wbrGenerate the <wbr> HTML tag.
html5 documentation built on Oct. 18, 2022, 1:05 a.m.