Man pages for httptest2
Test Helpers for 'httr2'

as-redactorWrap a redacting expression as a proper function
build_mock_urlConvert a request to a mock file path
capture_requestsRecord API responses as mock files
change_stateHandle a change of server state
expect_request_headerTest that an HTTP request is made with a header
expect_verbExpectations for mocked HTTP requests
find_mock_fileGo through mock paths to find the local mock file location
get_current_redactorFetch the active redacting function
gsub_responseFind and replace within a response object
httptest2'httptest2': A Test Environment for HTTP Requests
mockPathsSet an alternate directory for mock API fixtures
redactRemove sensitive content from HTTP responses
save_responseWrite out a captured response
set_redactorSet a response redactor
start_vignetteSet mocking/capturing state for a vignette
use_httptest2Use 'httptest2' in your tests
with_mock_apiServe a mock API from files
with_mock_dirUse or create mock files depending on their existence
without_internetMake all HTTP requests raise an error
with_traceWrapper around 'trace' to untrace when finished
httptest2 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:42 a.m.