httpuv: HTTP and WebSocket Server Library

Provides low-level socket and protocol support for handling HTTP and WebSocket requests directly from within R. It is primarily intended as a building block for other packages, rather than making it particularly easy to create complete web applications using httpuv alone. httpuv is built on top of the libuv and http-parser C libraries, both of which were developed by Joyent, Inc. (See LICENSE file for libuv and http-parser license information.)

Package details

AuthorJoe Cheng [aut], Winston Chang [aut, cre], Posit, PBC fnd [cph], Hector Corrada Bravo [ctb], Jeroen Ooms [ctb], Andrzej Krzemienski [cph] (optional.hpp), libuv project contributors [cph] (libuv library, see src/libuv/AUTHORS file), Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors [cph] (libuv library, see src/libuv/AUTHORS file; and http-parser library, see src/http-parser/AUTHORS file), Niels Provos [cph] (libuv subcomponent: tree.h), Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. [cph] (libuv subcomponent: inet_pton and inet_ntop, contained in src/libuv/src/inet.c), Alexander Chemeris [cph] (libuv subcomponent: stdint-msvc2008.h (from msinttypes)), Google, Inc. [cph] (libuv subcomponent: pthread-fixes.c), Sony Mobile Communcations AB [cph] (libuv subcomponent: pthread-fixes.c), Berkeley Software Design Inc. [cph] (libuv subcomponent: android-ifaddrs.h, android-ifaddrs.c), Kenneth MacKay [cph] (libuv subcomponent: android-ifaddrs.h, android-ifaddrs.c), Emergya (Cloud4all, FP7/2007-2013, grant agreement no 289016) [cph] (libuv subcomponent: android-ifaddrs.h, android-ifaddrs.c), Steve Reid [aut] (SHA-1 implementation), James Brown [aut] (SHA-1 implementation), Bob Trower [aut] (base64 implementation), Alexander Peslyak [aut] (MD5 implementation), Trantor Standard Systems [cph] (base64 implementation), Igor Sysoev [cph] (http-parser)
MaintainerWinston Chang <>
LicenseGPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the httpuv package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

httpuv documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:49 a.m.