Man pages for iai
Interface to 'Interpretable AI' Modules

acquire_licenseAcquire an IAI license for the current session.
add_julia_processesAdd additional Julia worker processes to parallelize...
all_treatment_combinationsReturn a dataframe containing all treatment combinations of...
applyReturn the leaf index in a tree model into which each point...
apply_nodesReturn the indices of the points in the features that fall...
as.mixeddataConvert a vector of values to IAI mixed data format
autoplot.grid_searchConstruct a 'ggplot2::ggplot' object plotting grid search...
autoplot.roc_curveConstruct a 'ggplot2::ggplot' object plotting the ROC curve
autoplot.similarity_comparisonConstruct a 'ggplot2::ggplot' object plotting the results of...
autoplot.stability_analysisConstruct a 'ggplot2::ggplot' object plotting the results of...
categorical_classification_reward_estimatorLearner for conducting reward estimation with categorical...
categorical_regression_reward_estimatorLearner for conducting reward estimation with categorical...
categorical_reward_estimatorLearner for conducting reward estimation with categorical...
categorical_survival_reward_estimatorLearner for conducting reward estimation with categorical...
cleanup_installationRemove all traces of automatic Julia/IAI installation
cloneReturn an unfitted copy of a learner with the same parameters
convert_treatments_to_numericConvert 'treatments' from symbol/string format into numeric...
copy_splits_and_refit_leavesCopy the tree split structure from one learner into another...
decision_pathReturn a matrix where entry '(i, j)' is true if the 'i'th...
delete_rich_output_paramDelete a global rich output parameter
equal_propensity_estimatorLearner that estimates equal propensity for all treatments.
fitGeneric function for fitting a learner.
fit_and_expandFit an imputation learner with training features and create...
fit_cvFits a grid search to the training data with cross-validation
fit.grid_searchFits a 'grid_search' to the training data
fit.imputation_learnerFits an imputation learner to the training data.
fit.learnerFits a model to the training data
fit.optimal_feature_selection_learnerFits an Optimal Feature Selection learner to the training...
fit_predictGeneric function for fitting a reward estimator on features,...
fit_predict.categorical_reward_estimatorFit a categorical reward estimator on features, treatments...
fit_predict.numeric_reward_estimatorFit a numeric reward estimator on features, treatments and...
fit_transformFit an imputation model using the given features and impute...
fit_transform_cvTrain a grid using cross-validation with features and impute...
get_best_paramsReturn the best parameter combination from a grid
get_classification_labelGeneric function for returning the predicted label in the...
get_classification_label.classification_tree_learnerReturn the predicted label at a node of a tree
get_classification_label.classification_tree_multi_learnerReturn the predicted label at a node of a multi-task tree
get_classification_probaGeneric function for returning the probabilities of class...
get_classification_proba.classification_tree_learnerReturn the predicted probabilities of class membership at a...
get_classification_proba.classification_tree_multi_learnerReturn the predicted probabilities of class membership at a...
get_cluster_assignmentsReturn the indices of the trees assigned to each cluster,...
get_cluster_detailsReturn the centroid information for each cluster, under the...
get_cluster_distancesReturn the distances between the centroids of each pair of...
get_depthGet the depth of a node of a tree
get_estimation_densitiesReturn the total kernel density surrounding each treatment...
get_features_usedReturn the names of the features used by the learner
get_grid_result_detailsReturn a vector of lists detailing the results of the grid...
get_grid_resultsReturn a summary of the results from the grid search
get_grid_result_summaryReturn a summary of the results from the grid search
get_learnerReturn the fitted learner using the best parameter...
get_lower_childGet the index of the lower child at a split node of a tree
get_machine_idReturn the machine ID for the current computer.
get_num_fitsGeneric function for returning the number of fits in a...
get_num_fits.glmnetcv_learnerReturn the number of fits along the path in a trained GLMNet...
get_num_fits.optimal_feature_selection_learnerReturn the number of fits along the path in a trained Optimal...
get_num_nodesReturn the number of nodes in a trained learner
get_num_samplesGet the number of training points contained in a node of a...
get_paramsReturn the value of all parameters on a learner
get_parentGet the index of the parent node at a node of a tree
get_policy_treatment_outcomeReturn the quality of the treatments at a node of a tree
get_policy_treatment_outcome_standard_errorReturn the standard error for the quality of the treatments...
get_policy_treatment_rankReturn the treatments ordered from most effective to least...
get_prediction_constantGeneric function for returning the prediction constant in a...
get_prediction_constant.glmnetcv_learnerReturn the constant term in the prediction in a trained...
get_prediction_constant.optimal_feature_selection_learnerReturn the constant term in the prediction in a trained...
get_prediction_weightsGeneric function for returning the prediction weights in a...
get_prediction_weights.glmnetcv_learnerReturn the weights for numeric and categoric features used...
get_prediction_weights.optimal_feature_selection_learnerReturn the weights for numeric and categoric features used...
get_prescription_treatment_rankReturn the treatments ordered from most effective to least...
get_regression_constantGeneric function for returning the constant term in the...
get_regression_constant.classification_tree_learnerReturn the constant term in the logistic regression...
get_regression_constant.classification_tree_multi_learnerReturn the constant term in the logistic regression...
get_regression_constant.prescription_tree_learnerReturn the constant term in the linear regression prediction...
get_regression_constant.regression_tree_learnerReturn the constant term in the linear regression prediction...
get_regression_constant.regression_tree_multi_learnerReturn the constant term in the linear regression prediction...
get_regression_constant.survival_tree_learnerReturn the constant term in the cox regression prediction at...
get_regression_weightsGeneric function for returning the weights for each feature...
get_regression_weights.classification_tree_learnerReturn the weights for each feature in the logistic...
get_regression_weights.classification_tree_multi_learnerReturn the weights for each feature in the logistic...
get_regression_weights.prescription_tree_learnerReturn the weights for each feature in the linear regression...
get_regression_weights.regression_tree_learnerReturn the weights for each feature in the linear regression...
get_regression_weights.regression_tree_multi_learnerReturn the weights for each feature in the linear regression...
get_regression_weights.survival_tree_learnerReturn the weights for each feature in the cox regression...
get_rich_output_paramsReturn the current global rich output parameter settings
get_roc_curve_dataExtract the underlying data from an ROC curve
get_split_categoriesReturn the categoric/ordinal information used in the split at...
get_split_featureReturn the feature used in the split at a node of a tree
get_split_thresholdReturn the threshold used in the split at a node of a tree
get_split_weightsReturn the weights for numeric and categoric features used in...
get_stability_resultsReturn the trained trees in order of increasing objective...
get_survival_curveReturn the survival curve at a node of a tree
get_survival_curve_dataExtract the underlying data from a survival curve (as...
get_survival_expected_timeReturn the predicted expected survival time at a node of a...
get_survival_hazardReturn the predicted hazard ratio at a node of a tree
get_train_errorsExtract the training objective value for each candidate tree...
get_treeReturn a copy of the learner that uses a specific tree rather...
get_upper_childGet the index of the upper child at a split node of a tree
glmnetcv_classifierLearner for training GLMNet models for classification...
glmnetcv_regressorLearner for training GLMNet models for regression problems...
glmnetcv_survival_learnerLearner for training GLMNet models for survival problems with...
grid_searchControls grid search over parameter combinations
iai_setupInitialize Julia and the IAI package.
imputation_learnerGeneric learner for imputing missing values
imputeImpute missing values using either a specified method or...
impute_cvImpute missing values using cross validation
install_juliaDownload and install Julia automatically.
install_system_imageDownload and install the IAI system image automatically.
is_categoric_splitCheck if a node of a tree applies a categoric split
is_hyperplane_splitCheck if a node of a tree applies a hyperplane split
is_leafCheck if a node of a tree is a leaf
is_mixed_ordinal_splitCheck if a node of a tree applies a mixed ordinal/categoric...
is_mixed_parallel_splitCheck if a node of a tree applies a mixed parallel/categoric...
is_ordinal_splitCheck if a node of a tree applies a ordinal split
is_parallel_splitCheck if a node of a tree applies a parallel split
load_graphvizLoads the Julia Graphviz library to permit certain...
mean_imputation_learnerLearner for conducting mean imputation
missing_goes_lowerCheck if points with missing values go to the lower child at...
multi_questionnaireGeneric function for constructing an interactive...
multi_questionnaire.defaultConstruct an interactive questionnaire from multiple...
multi_questionnaire.grid_searchConstruct an interactive tree questionnaire using multiple...
multi_tree_plotGeneric function for constructing an interactive tree...
multi_tree_plot.defaultConstruct an interactive tree visualization of multiple tree...
multi_tree_plot.grid_searchConstruct an interactive tree visualization of multiple tree...
numeric_classification_reward_estimatorLearner for conducting reward estimation with numeric...
numeric_regression_reward_estimatorLearner for conducting reward estimation with numeric...
numeric_reward_estimatorLearner for conducting reward estimation with numeric...
numeric_survival_reward_estimatorLearner for conducting reward estimation with numeric...
optimal_feature_selection_classifierLearner for conducting Optimal Feature Selection on...
optimal_feature_selection_regressorLearner for conducting Optimal Feature Selection on...
optimal_tree_classifierLearner for training Optimal Classification Trees
optimal_tree_multi_classifierLearner for training multi-task Optimal Classification Trees
optimal_tree_multi_regressorLearner for training multi-task Optimal Regression Trees
optimal_tree_policy_maximizerLearner for training Optimal Policy Trees where the policy...
optimal_tree_policy_minimizerLearner for training Optimal Policy Trees where the policy...
optimal_tree_prescription_maximizerLearner for training Optimal Prescriptive Trees where the...
optimal_tree_prescription_minimizerLearner for training Optimal Prescriptive Trees where the...
optimal_tree_regressorLearner for training Optimal Regression Trees
optimal_tree_survival_learnerLearner for training Optimal Survival Trees
optimal_tree_survivorLearner for training Optimal Survival Trees
opt_knn_imputation_learnerLearner for conducting optimal k-NN imputation
opt_svm_imputation_learnerLearner for conducting optimal SVM imputation
opt_tree_imputation_learnerLearner for conducting optimal tree-based imputation
plot.grid_searchPlot a grid search results for Optimal Feature Selection...
plot.roc_curvePlot an ROC curve
plot.similarity_comparisonPlot a similarity comparison
plot.stability_analysisPlot a stability analysis
predictGeneric function for returning the predictions of a model
predict.categorical_reward_estimatorReturn counterfactual rewards estimated by a categorical...
predict_expected_survival_timeGeneric function for returning the expected survival time...
predict_expected_survival_time.glmnetcv_survival_learnerReturn the expected survival time estimate made by a...
predict_expected_survival_time.survival_curveReturn the expected survival time estimate made by a survival...
predict_expected_survival_time.survival_learnerReturn the expected survival time estimate made by a survival...
predict.glmnetcv_learnerReturn the predictions made by a GLMNet learner for each...
predict_hazardGeneric function for returning the hazard coefficient...
predict_hazard.glmnetcv_survival_learnerReturn the fitted hazard coefficient estimate made by a...
predict_hazard.survival_learnerReturn the fitted hazard coefficient estimate made by a...
predict.numeric_reward_estimatorReturn counterfactual rewards estimated by a numeric reward...
predict.optimal_feature_selection_learnerReturn the predictions made by an Optimal Feature Selection...
predict_outcomesGeneric function for returning the outcomes predicted by a...
predict_outcomes.policy_learnerReturn the predicted outcome for each treatment made by a...
predict_outcomes.prescription_learnerReturn the predicted outcome for each treatment made by a...
predict_probaGeneric function for returning the probabilities of class...
predict_proba.classification_learnerReturn the probabilities of class membership predicted by a...
predict_proba.classification_multi_learnerReturn the probabilities of class membership predicted by a...
predict_proba.glmnetcv_classifierReturn the probabilities of class membership predicted by a...
predict_rewardGeneric function for returning the counterfactual rewards...
predict_reward.categorical_reward_estimatorReturn counterfactual rewards estimated by a categorical...
predict_reward.numeric_reward_estimatorReturn counterfactual rewards estimated by a numeric reward...
predict_shapCalculate SHAP values for all points in the features using...
predict.supervised_learnerReturn the predictions made by a supervised learner for each...
predict.supervised_multi_learnerReturn the predictions made by a multi-task supervised...
predict.survival_learnerReturn the predictions made by a survival learner for each...
predict_treatment_outcomeReturn the estimated quality of each treatment in the trained...
predict_treatment_outcome_standard_errorReturn the standard error for the estimated quality of each...
predict_treatment_rankReturn the treatments in ranked order of effectiveness for...
print_pathPrint the decision path through the learner for each sample...
prune_treesUse the trained trees in a learner along with the supplied...
questionnaireGeneric function for constructing an interactive...
questionnaire.optimal_feature_selection_learnerSpecify an interactive questionnaire of an Optimal Feature...
questionnaire.tree_learnerSpecify an interactive questionnaire of a tree learner
rand_imputation_learnerLearner for conducting random imputation
random_forest_classifierLearner for training random forests for classification...
random_forest_regressorLearner for training random forests for regression problems
random_forest_survival_learnerLearner for training random forests for survival problems
read_jsonRead in a learner or grid saved in JSON format
refit_leavesRefit the models in the leaves of a trained learner using the...
release_licenseRelease any IAI license held by the current session.
reset_display_labelReset the predicted probability displayed to be that of the...
resume_from_checkpointResume training from a checkpoint file
reward_estimatorLearner for conducting reward estimation with categorical...
roc_curveGeneric function for constructing an ROC curve
roc_curve.classification_learnerConstruct an ROC curve using a trained classification learner...
roc_curve.classification_multi_learnerConstruct an ROC curve using a trained multi-task...
roc_curve.defaultConstruct an ROC curve from predicted probabilities and true...
roc_curve.glmnetcv_classifierConstruct an ROC curve using a trained 'glmnetcv_classifier'...
scoreGeneric function for calculating scores
score.categorical_reward_estimatorCalculate the scores for a categorical reward estimator on...
score.defaultCalculate the score for a set of predictions on the given...
score.glmnetcv_learnerCalculate the score for a GLMNet learner on the given data
score.numeric_reward_estimatorCalculate the scores for a numeric reward estimator on the...
score.optimal_feature_selection_learnerCalculate the score for an Optimal Feature Selection learner...
score.supervised_learnerCalculate the score for a model on the given data
score.supervised_multi_learnerCalculate the score for a multi-task model on the given data
set_display_labelShow the probability of a specified label when visualizing a...
set_julia_seedSet the random seed in Julia
set_paramsSet all supplied parameters on a learner
set_reward_kernel_bandwidthSave a new reward kernel bandwidth inside a learner, and...
set_rich_output_paramSets a global rich output parameter
set_thresholdFor a binary classification problem, update the the predicted...
show_in_browserGeneric function for showing interactive visualization in...
show_in_browser.abstract_visualizationShow interactive visualization of an object in the default...
show_in_browser.roc_curveShow interactive visualization of a 'roc_curve' in the...
show_in_browser.tree_learnerShow interactive tree visualization of a tree learner in the...
show_questionnaireGeneric function for showing interactive questionnaire in...
show_questionnaire.optimal_feature_selection_learnerShow an interactive questionnaire based on an Optimal Feature...
show_questionnaire.tree_learnerShow an interactive questionnaire based on a tree learner in...
similarity_comparisonConduct a similarity comparison between the final tree in a...
single_knn_imputation_learnerLearner for conducting heuristic k-NN imputation
split_dataSplit the data into training and test datasets
stability_analysisConduct a stability analysis of the trees in a tree learner
transformImpute missing values in a dataframe using a fitted...
transform_and_expandTransform features with a trained imputation learner and...
tree_plotSpecify an interactive tree visualization of a tree learner
tune_reward_kernel_bandwidthConduct the reward kernel bandwidth tuning procedure for a...
variable_importanceGeneric function for calculating variable importance
variable_importance.learnerGenerate a ranking of the variables in a learner according to...
variable_importance.optimal_feature_selection_learnerGenerate a ranking of the variables in an Optimal Feature...
variable_importance_similarityCalculate similarity between the final tree in a tree learner...
variable_importance.tree_learnerGenerate a ranking of the variables in a tree learner...
write_boosterWrite the internal booster saved in the learner to file
write_dotOutput a learner in .dot format
write_htmlGeneric function for writing interactive visualization to...
write_html.abstract_visualizationOutput an object as an interactive browser visualization in...
write_html.roc_curveOutput an ROC curve as an interactive browser visualization...
write_html.tree_learnerOutput a tree learner as an interactive browser visualization...
write_jsonOutput a learner or grid in JSON format
write_pdfOutput a learner as a PDF image
write_pngOutput a learner as a PNG image
write_questionnaireGeneric function for writing interactive questionnaire to...
write_questionnaire.optimal_feature_selection_learnerOutput an Optimal Feature Selection learner as an interactive...
write_questionnaire.tree_learnerOutput a tree learner as an interactive questionnaire in HTML...
write_svgOutput a learner as a SVG image
xgboost_classifierLearner for training XGBoost models for classification...
xgboost_regressorLearner for training XGBoost models for regression problems
xgboost_survival_learnerLearner for training XGBoost models for survival problems
zero_imputation_learnerLearner for conducting zero-imputation
iai documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 1:07 a.m.