Man pages for iccTraj
Estimates the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient for Trajectory Data

boot_ICCGenerates a bootstrap sample and estimates the ICC
dist_matCreates a matrix with the pairwise distances
FD_dataCreates a data frame with the discrete Fréchet distance...
genHDGenerates a data frame with the pairwise distances between...
get_dataPreprocessing of data
gull_dataGull data
HDComputes extended Hausdorff distance between two...
HD_dataCreates a data frame with the Hausdorff distance between two...
ICCComputes the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) using a...
iccTrajEstimates the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for...
intervalComputes the confidence interval for the ICC
ntripsComputes the number of trips by subject
print.iccTrajPrints the ICC
tr_genCreates a list containing the trajectories information.
iccTraj documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:59 p.m.