Man pages for infoelectoral
Download Spanish Election Results

candidatosDownload candidate data
cleanupCleans up the files and directories created during the...
codigos_ccaaAdministrative codes for spanish autonomous communities.
codigos_municipiosAdministrative codes for spanish municipalities.
codigos_partidosRecoded party names
codigos_provinciasAdministrative codes for spanish provinces.
download_binDownloads the elections zip file
election_type_codeGenerates the election type code from a string
fechas_eleccionesElection dates
generate_urlGenerates the downloads URL of the election zip file
mesasDownload data at the polling station level
municipiosDownload data at the municipality level
provinciasDownload data at the electoral constituency level (province...
read03Reads the candidacy files
read04Reads the candidates info files
read05Reads the basic municipal data files
read06Reads the candidacy info at municipality level files
read07Reads the basic data files for the area superior to the...
read08Reads the candidacy files at the area superior to the...
read09Reads the basic polling station data files
read10Reads the candidacy info at polling station level files
read11Reads the basic data files for municipalities of 250...
read12Reads the candidacy files for small municipalities
rentaMean income at the census section level (INE)
infoelectoral documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:59 p.m.