Man pages for jagshelper
Extracting and Visualizing Output from 'jagsUI'

asdf_jags_outExample data: asdf jags out
asdf_prior_jags_outExample data: asdf prior jags out
caterpillarCaterpillar plot
chaindens_dfBy-chain kernel density of each column of a 'data.frame'.
chaindens_jagsBy-chain kernel densities of 'jagsUI' object
chaindens_lineSimple by-chain kernel density plot
check_neffQuick summary of n.eff values by parameter name
check_RhatQuick summary of Rhat values by parameter name
comparecatCompare Caterpillar Plots
comparedensCompare Density
comparepriorsCompare Priors
cor_jagsCorrelation matrix from a JAGS object
crossplotBivariate Plot of Posterior Densities
envelopeEnvelope plot
expitExpit, or inverse logit
jags_dfExtract data.frame
jagshelper-packageFunctions for Extracting and Visualizing Output from 'jagsUI'
kfoldAutomated K-fold or Leave One Out Cross Validation
nbynameNumber of parameter nodes by parameter name
nparamNumber of parameters
overlayenvelopeOverlay envelope plots
pairstrace_jagsPairs trace plot
plotcor_jagsPlot a correlation matrix from a JAGS object
plotdensPlot kernel densities of single parameter nodes
plot_postpredDiagnostic plots from posterior predictive distribution
plotRhatsPlotting all Rhat values
pull_postSubset from posterior data.frame
qq_postpredQuantile-quantile plot from posterior predictive distribution
rcolorsRandom Colors
SS_dataExample data: Time series associated with SS JAGS out
SS_outExample data: SS JAGS out
tracedens_jagsCombination of trace plots and by-chain kernel densities of...
trace_dfTrace plot of each column of a 'data.frame'.
trace_jagsTrace plot of jagsUI object
trace_lineSimple trace plot
traceworstRhatTrace plots corresponding to the worst values of Rhat
ts_postpredTime series plot of centered posterior predictive...
jagshelper documentation built on Oct. 22, 2024, 1:06 a.m.