Man pages for jjb
Balamuta Miscellaneous

accAccuracy of the Model
celsius_to_fahrenheitCelsius to Fahrenheit Conversion
celsius_to_kelvinCelsius to Kelvin Conversion
char_atCharacter at Position _i_
circle_matrixCreate a circle pattern within a matrix
convert_colsConvert Multiple Columns of a 'data.frame' All at once...
external_graphsChange Default Graphing Device from RStudio
fahrenheit_to_celsiusFahrenheit to Celsius Conversion
fahrenheit_to_kelvinFahrenheit to Kelvin to Conversion
feature_scalingFeature Scaling
floor_and_capFloor and Cap a Numeric Variable
int_to_hexConvert 0-255 to a Hex number
is_osCheck for an Operating System
is_rstudioIs R Open in RStudio?
is_wholeInteger Check
jjb-packagejjb: Balamuta Miscellaneous
kelvin_to_celsiusKelvin to Celsius Conversion
kelvin_to_fahrenheitKelvin to Fahrenheit Conversion
laggedLag Vector Values
max_min_nMaxima and Minima _n_ elements
mkdirMake Directory
mseMean Squared Error (MSE)
pad_numberPad Numeric Numbers
require_osRequire a Specific Operating System
rgb_to_hexConvert RGB Value to Hexadecimal
rmseRoot Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
shadeShade an RGB value
system_archSystem Architecture
system_graphic_driverNatural Graphics Driver for Operating System
tintTint an RGB value
trObtain the Trace of a Square Matrix
url_titleCreate a "safe" url title
jjb documentation built on Jan. 8, 2020, 5:07 p.m.