Man pages for knitrdata
Data Language Engine for 'knitr' / 'rmarkdown'

create_chunkTools for creating (data) chunks and inserting them into...
create_data_chunk_dialogInvoke Shiny gadget to create a data chunk
data_decodeDecode and encode text and binary data files
insert_data_chunk_templateInsert an empty data chunk template in active source document
is.file.binaryFunctions to assess if files are binary, DOS text or UNIX...
list_rmd_chunksTools for working with existing chunks in Rmarkdown documents
platform.newlinePlatform independent newline string
remove_chunks_dialogInvoke Rstudio addin to remove chunks from the active source...
unlock_gpg_key_passphraseFunctions that attempts to unlock a gpg key for decryption
knitrdata documentation built on Dec. 8, 2020, 5:08 p.m.