Man pages for laeken
Estimation of Indicators on Social Exclusion and Poverty

arprAt-risk-of-poverty rate
arptAt-risk-of-poverty threshold
bootVarBootstrap variance and confidence intervals of indicators on...
calibVarsConstruct a matrix of binary variables for calibration
calibWeightsCalibrate sample weights
eqIncEquivalized disposable income
eqSSEquivalized household size
eusilcSynthetic EU-SILC survey data
fitParetoFit income distribution models with the Pareto distribution
giniGini coefficient
gpgGender pay (wage) gap.
incMeanWeighted mean income
incMedianWeighted median income
incQuintileWeighted income quintile
laeken-packageEstimation of Indicators on Social Exclusion and Poverty
meanExcessPlotMean excess plot
minAMSEWeighted asymptotic mean squared error (AMSE) estimator
paretoQPlotPareto quantile plot
paretoScaleEstimate the scale parameter of a Pareto distribution
paretoTailPareto tail modeling for income distributions
plot.paretoTailDiagnostic plot for the Pareto tail model
propProportion of an alternative distribution
qsrQuintile share ratio
replaceTailReplace observations under a Pareto model
reweightOutReweight outliers in the Pareto model
rmpgRelative median at-risk-of-poverty gap
sesSynthetic SES survey data
shrinkOutShrink outliers in the Pareto model
thetaHillHill estimator
thetaISEIntegrated squared error (ISE) estimator
thetaLSLeast squares (LS) estimator
thetaMomentMoment estimator
thetaPDCPartial density component (PDC) estimator
thetaTMTrimmed mean estimator
thetaWMLWeighted maximum likelihood estimator
utilsUtility functions for indicators on social exclusion and...
varianceVariance and confidence intervals of indicators on social...
weightedMeanWeighted mean
weightedMedianWeighted median
weightedQuantileWeighted quantiles
laeken documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:42 a.m.