Man pages for lindia
Automated Linear Regression Diagnostic

gg_boxcoxPlot boxcox graph in ggplot with suggested lambda...
gg_cooksdPlot cook's distance graph
gg_diagnosePlot all diagnostic plots given fitted linear regression...
gg_qqplotPlot quantile-quantile plot (QQPlot) in ggplot with qqline...
gg_resfittedGenerate residual plot of residuals against fitted value
gg_reshistGenerate histogram of residuals in ggplot.
gg_resleveragePlot residual versus leverage plot in ggplot.
gg_resXGenerate residual plot of residuals against predictors
gg_scalelocationPlot scale-location (also called spread-location plot) in...
plot_allPlot all given plots in a square matrix form.
lindia documentation built on Aug. 11, 2023, 1:09 a.m.