API for list
Statistical Methods for the Item Count Technique and List Experiment

Global functions
Robit Source code
affirm Man page
as.list.ictregBayes Source code
as.list.ictregBayesHier Source code
bayesglm_priors Source code
bayesglm_priors_from_fit Source code
c.predict.ictreg Source code
coef.ictreg Source code
coef.ictreg.joint Source code
coef.ictregBayes Source code
coef.ictregBayes.list Source code
coef.ictregBayesHier Source code
coef.ictregBayesHier.list Source code
combinedListDirect Man page Source code
combinedListExps Man page
comp.listEndorse Man page Source code
ict Man page
ict.hausman.test Man page Source code
ict.test Man page Source code
ictreg Man page Source code
ictreg.joint Man page Source code
ictregBayes Man page Source code
ictregBayes.fit Source code
ictregBayesEndorse Source code
ictregBayesHier Man page Source code
ictregBayesMixed.fit Source code
ictregBayesMulti.fit Source code
ictregBayesMulti2Level.fit Source code
ictregBayesMulti3Level.fit Source code
ictregBayesMulti4Level.fit Source code
ictregBayesMultiMixed.fit Source code
is_intercept Source code
list Man page
logistic Source code
mexico Man page
mis Man page
multi Man page
plot.predict.ictreg Man page Source code
predict.ictreg Man page Source code
predict.ictreg.joint Man page Source code
predict.ictregBayes Man page Source code
predict.ictregBayes.list Source code
predict.ictregBayesHier Man page Source code
predict.ictregBayesHier.list Source code
print.comblist Source code
print.ict.hausman.test Source code
print.ict.test Source code
print.ictreg Source code
print.ictreg.joint Source code
print.ictregBayes.list Source code
print.ictregBayesHier.list Source code
print.predict.ictreg Source code
print.summary.comblist Source code
print.summary.ictreg Source code
print.summary.ictreg.joint Source code
print.summary.ictregBayes Source code
print.summary.ictregBayes.list Source code
print.summary.ictregBayesHier Source code
print.summary.ictregBayesHier.list Source code
race Man page
sd.ictregBayes Source code
sd.ictregBayes.list Source code
sd.ictregBayesHier Source code
sd.ictregBayesHier.list Source code
summary.comblist Source code
summary.ictreg Man page Source code
summary.ictreg.joint Source code
summary.ictregBayes Source code
summary.ictregBayes.list Source code
summary.ictregBayesHier Source code
summary.ictregBayesHier.list Source code
vcov.ictreg Source code
vcov.ictreg.joint Source code
vcov.ictregBayes Source code
vcov.ictregBayes.list Source code
list documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:57 a.m.