Man pages for litedown
A Lightweight Version of R Markdown

crackParse R Markdown or R scripts
enginesLanguage engines
fuse_bookFuse multiple R Markdown documents to a single output file
fuse_envThe 'fuse()' environment
fuse_siteFuse R Markdown documents individually under a directory
html_formatOutput formats in YAML metadata
litedown-packageA lightweight version of R Markdown
markRender Markdown, R Markdown, and R scripts
markdown_optionsMarkdown rendering options
pkg_descPrint the package description, news, citation, manual pages,...
reactorGet and set chunk options
roamPreview Markdown and R Markdown files
smartypantsConvert some ASCII strings to HTML entities
timing_dataGet the timing data of code chunks and text blocks in a...
litedown documentation built on Oct. 17, 2024, 1:06 a.m.