Man pages for loadings
Loadings for Principal Component Analysis and Partial Least Squares

antibioticMetagenome and metabolome data from antibiotic-treated mouse...
covid19Proteome and metabolome data of COVID-19 serum samples.
fastingMetabolome analysis of mouse liver samples in fasting...
greenteaMetabolome analysis of Japanese green tea
multipls_geigenMultiset PLS : Multiset partial least squares
multipls_loadingMultiset partial least squares loading
multipls_rogMultiset PLS-ROG : Multiset partial least squares with rank...
multiplsrog_loadingMultiset partial least squares rank order of groups loading
one_kpcaOne-sided kernel principal component analysis
onekpca_loadingOne-sided kernel principal component loading
os_pcaOrthogonal smoothed principal component analysis
ospca_loadingOrthogonal smoothed principal component loading
pca_loadingPrincipal component loading
pls_daPartial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA)
plsda_loadingPartial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) loading
pls_loadingPartial least squares loading
pls_rogPLS-ROG : Partial least squares with rank order of groups
plsrog_loadingPartial least squares rank order of groups loading
pls_svdPartial least squares
rcca_daRegularized canonical correlation analysis for discriminant...
rcca_loadingRegularized canonical correlation analysis (RCCA-DA) loading
turnoverMetabolomic Turnover analysis of the yeast culture mediums
unsv_multiplsUnsupervised multiset partial least squares
unsvmultipls_loadingUnsupervised multiset partial least squares loading
whhlMetabolome analysis of plasma, liver, heart and brain samples...
loadings documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:01 a.m.