Man pages for mStats
Epidemiological Data Analysis

appendAppend datasets
codebookDescribe the data
duplicatesReport, tag or drop the duplicate observations
egenCategorize a numerical variable
expand2Duplicate observations within a dataframe
expandtblExpand '2x2 table' into 'data.frame'
formatDateFormat Dates
generateCreate a new variable
helpersHelper functions
histogramHistograms with overlay normal curve
ilogCreate a copy of your output in a text format
labelAttach labels to data and variables
lagLag a variable
logitLogistic Regression Model
mhorCalculating Odds Ratios
mhrrCalculating Risk Ratios
n_Count from 'n_' to 'N_'
recodeRecode a variable
regressLinear Regression Model
replaceChange contents of an existing variable
scatterPlotMatrixScatter plot matrices with histogram and correlation...
strateCalculate Incidence Rates from time-to-event data
summSummary statistics
summaryTable Format for Publication
mStats documentation built on Nov. 23, 2020, 9:07 a.m.