Man pages for mapedit
Interactive Editing of Spatial Data in R

addToolbarAdd a (possibly customized) toolbar to a leaflet map
drawFeaturesDraw (simple) features on a map
editFeaturesInteractively Edit Map Features
editMapInteractively Edit a Map
editModShiny Module Server for Geo Create, Edit, Delete
editModUIShiny Module UI for Geo Create, Edit, Delete
mapedit-packagemapedit: interactive editing and selection for geospatial...
merge_addMerge 'sf' Adds
merge_deleteMerge 'sf' Deletes
merge_editMerge 'sf' Edits
playbackPlayback a Recorded 'mapedit' Session on Leaflet Map
processOptsPrepare arguments for addDrawToolbar or addPmToolbar
selectFeaturesInteractively Select Map Features
selectMapInteractively Select Map Features
selectModShiny Module Server for Geo Selection
selectModUIShiny Module UI for Geo Selection
mapedit documentation built on Feb. 3, 2020, 1:07 a.m.