Man pages for maraca
The Maraca Plot: Visualization of Hierarchical Composite Endpoints in Clinical Trials

component_plotFunction to create a plot showing the components used in...
component_plot.hceGeneric function to create a plot showing the components used...
component_plot.maracaGeneric function to create a plot showing the components used...
cumulative_plotFunction to create a plot showing the components used in...
cumulative_plot.hceGeneric function to create a plot showing the components used...
cumulative_plot.maracaGeneric function to create a plot showing the components used...
hce_scenario_aExample HCE scenario A.
hce_scenario_bExample HCE scenario B.
hce_scenario_cExample HCE scenario C.
hce_scenario_dExample HCE scenario D.
hce_scenario_kccq3Example HCE scenario KCCQ3.
maracamaraca package.
plot.hceGeneric function to plot the hce object using plot().
plot_maracaCreates and returns the plot of the maraca data.
plot.maracaGeneric function to plot the maraca object using plot().
validate_maraca_plotGeneric function to generate validation data for the maraca...
maraca documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:08 a.m.