Man pages for metapack
Bayesian Meta-Analysis and Network Meta-Analysis

bayes_nmrFit Bayesian Network Meta-Regression Models
bayes_parobsFit Bayesian Inference for Meta-Regression
bmeta_analyzebmeta_analyze supersedes the previous two functions:...
cholesterol26 double-blind, randomized, active, or placebo-controlled...
coef.bsynthesisget the posterior mean of fixed-effect coefficients
fitted.bayesnmrget fitted values
fitted.bayesparobsget fitted values
hpdget the highest posterior density (HPD) interval
hpd.bayesnmrget the highest posterior density (HPD) interval
hpd.bayesparobsget the highest posterior density (HPD) interval or...
metapackmetapack: a package for Bayesian meta-analysis and network...
model_compcompute the model comparison measures: DIC, LPML, or...
model_comp.bayesnmrget compute the model comparison measures
model_comp.bayesparobscompute the model comparison measures
nshelper function encoding trial sample sizes in formulas
plot.bayesnmrget goodness of fit
plot.bayesparobsget goodness of fit
plot.sucraplot the surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA)
print.bayesnmrPrint results
print.bayesparobsPrint results
sucraget surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA)
sucra.bayesnmrget surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA)
summary.bayesnmr'summary' method for class "'bayesnmr'"
summary.bayesparobs'summary' method for class "'bayesparobs'"
TNMTriglycerides Network Meta (TNM) data
metapack documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:45 a.m.