Man pages for metatools
Enable the Use of 'metacore' to Help Create and Check Dataset

add_labelsApply labels to multiple variables on a data frame
add_variablesAdd Missing Variables
build_from_derivedBuild a dataset from derived
build_qnamBuild the observations for a single QNAM
check_ct_colCheck Control Terminology for a Single Column
check_ct_dataCheck Control Terminology for a Dataset
check_variablesCheck Variable Names
combine_suppCombine the Domain and Supplemental Qualifier
convert_var_to_fctConvert Variable to Factor with Levels Set by Control Terms
create_cat_varCreate Categorical Variable from Codelist
create_subgrpsCreate Subgroups
create_var_from_codelistCreate Variable from Codelist
drop_unspec_varsDrop Unspecified Variables
get_bad_ctGets vector of control terminology which should be there
make_supp_qualMake Supplemental Qualifier
metatools_exampleGet path to pkg example
order_colsSort Columns by Order
pipePipe operator
remove_labelsRemove labels to multiple variables on a data frame
set_variable_labelsApply labels to a data frame using a metacore object
sort_by_keySort Rows by Key Sequence
metatools documentation built on March 31, 2023, 5:19 p.m.