Man pages for minioclient
Interface to the 'MinIO' Client

install_mcinstall the mc client
mc_alias_lsList all configured aliases
mc_alias_setmc alias set
mc_anonymous_setSet anonymous access policy
mc_catDisplay object contents
mc_cpCopy files or directories between servers
mc_duShow disk usage for a target path
mc_headDisplay first few lines of an object
mc_lsList files and directories using mc command
mc_mbCreate a new S3 bucket using mc command
mc_mirrorMirror files and directories using mc command
mc_mvmove or rename files or directories between servers
mc_rbRemove an S3 bucket using mc command
mc_rmRemove files or directories
mc_sqlUse the S3 variant of SQL to query a minio object
minioclient documentation built on Nov. 7, 2023, 5:07 p.m.