Man pages for mixComp
Estimation of Order of Mixture Distributions

accidentsAccidents Dataset
acidityAcidity Dataset
childrenChildren Dataset
datMixConstructor for Objects for Which to Estimate the Mixture...
dMixMixture density
faithfulFaithful Dataset
hellinger.contEstimation of a Continuous Mixture Complexity Based on...
hellinger.discEstimation of a Discrete Mixture Complexity Based on...
L2.discEstimate a Discrete Mixture's Complexity Based on L2 Distance
MixMixtures of Univariate Distributions
mix.lrtEstimation of a Mixture Complexity Based on Likelihood Ratio...
nonparamHankelEstimation of Mixture Complexity Based on Hankel Matrix
paramHankelEstimation of Mixture Complexity (and Component...
plot.Mix'plot' Method for 'Mix' Objects
plot.rMix'plot' Method for 'rMix' Objects
rMixRandom Variate Generation from a Mixture Distribution
RtoDatConverting 'rMix' to 'datMix' Objects
shakespeareShakespeare Dataset
mixComp documentation built on Feb. 25, 2021, 5:07 p.m.