Man pages for mixl
Simulated Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Mixed Logit Models for Large Datasets

av_matrixExtract the availabilites matrix from the dataset, using...
check_draw_inputsCheck the inputs to the draw function
check_inputsCheck the inputs to the estimate function
compileUtilityFunctioncompileUtilityFunction Deprecated, please see...
create_halton_drawsCreate a standard set of Halton draws to use in estimation
estimateRuns a maximum likelihood estimation on a mixl choice model
extract_av_colsExtract the availabilites matrix from the dataset using a...
extract_indiv_dataExtract the individual level data from the dataset for use in...
generate_default_availabilitiesGenerate a ones-matrix of availabilities
mixl-packageEstimate mixed multinomial logit models
posteriorsCalculate the posteriors for a specified and estimated model
print.mixlPrints the output of a model
print.summary.mixlPrint a model summary
probabilitiesCalculate the probabilities for a specified and estimated...
specify_modelValidate the utility functions against the dataset and...
summary.mixlCreate a model summary
summary_texReturn tex formatted output of a model summary. If an...
utilitiesReturn the the utilities for a set of coefficients
vcov.mixlCalculates the Variance-Covariance Matrix of the mixl summary
mixl documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:31 a.m.