Man pages for mixvlmc
Variable Length Markov Chains with Covariates

as_covlmcConvert an object to a Variable Length Markov Chain with...
as_sequenceExtract the sequence encoded by a node
as_vlmcConvert an object to a Variable Length Markov Chain (VLMC)
as_vlmc.ctx_tree_cppConvert an object to a Variable Length Markov Chain (VLMC)
autoplot.tune_covlmcCreate a complete ggplot for the results of automatic COVLMC...
autoplot.tune_vlmcCreate a complete ggplot for the results of automatic VLMC...
childrenFind the children nodes of a node in a context tree
context_numberNumber of contexts of a context tree
context_number.covlmcContexts number of a VLMC with covariates
contextsContexts of a context tree
contexts.covlmcContexts of a VLMC with covariates
contexts.ctx_treeContexts of a context tree
contexts.vlmcContexts of a VLMC
countsReport the distribution of values that follow occurrences of...
covariate_depthMaximal covariate memory of a VLMC with covariates
covariate_memoryCovariate memory length for a COVLMC context
covlmcFit a Variable Length Markov Chain with Covariates (coVLMC)
covlmc_controlControl for coVLMC fitting
ctx_treeBuild a context tree for a discrete time series
cutoffCut off values for VLMC like model
cutoff.covlmcCut off values for pruning the context tree of a VLMC with...
cutoff.ctx_nodeCut off value for pruning a node in the context tree of a...
cutoff.vlmcCut off values for pruning the context tree of a VLMC
depthDepth of a context tree
drawText based representation of a context tree
draw_controlControl parameters for 'draw'
draw.covlmcText based representation of a covlmc model
draw.ctx_treeText based representation of a context tree
draw.vlmcText based representation of a vlmc
find_sequenceFind the node of a sequence in a context tree
find_sequence.covlmcFind the node of a sequence in a COVLMC context tree
globalearthquakeSignificant Earthquake Dataset
is_contextReport the nature of a node in a context tree
is_covlmcTest if the object is a covlmc model
is_ctx_treeTest if the object is a context tree
is_mergedMerging status of a COVLMC context
is_reversedReport the ordering convention of the node
is_vlmcTest if the object is a vlmc model
logLik.covlmcLog-Likelihood of a VLMC with covariates
loglikelihoodLog-Likelihood of a VLMC
loglikelihood.covlmcLog-Likelihood of a VLMC with covariates
logLik.vlmcLog-Likelihood of a VLMC
merged_withMerged contexts in a COVLMC
metricsPredictive quality metrics for context based models
metrics.covlmcPredictive quality metrics for VLMC with covariates
metrics.ctx_nodePredictive quality metrics for a node of a context tree
metrics.ctx_node_covlmcPredictive quality metrics for a node of a COVLMC context...
metrics.vlmcPredictive quality metrics for VLMC
mixvlmc-packagemixvlmc: Variable Length Markov Chains with Covariates
modelLogistic model of a COVLMC context
parentFind the parent of a node in a context tree
plot.tune_vlmcPlot the results of automatic (CO)VLMC complexity selection
positionsReport the positions of a sequence associated to a node
powerconsumptionIndividual household electric power consumption
predict.covlmcNext state prediction in a discrete time series for a VLMC...
predict.vlmcNext state prediction in a discrete time series for a VLMC
print.contextsPrint a context list
prunePrune a Variable Length Markov Chain (VLMC)
prune.covlmcPrune a Variable Length Markov Chain with covariates
rev.ctx_nodeReverse Sequence
simulate.covlmcSimulate a discrete time series for a covlmc
simulate.vlmcSimulate a discrete time series for a vlmc
simulate.vlmc_cppSimulate a discrete time series for a vlmc
statesState space of a context tree
trimTrim a context tree
trim.covlmcTrim a COVLMC
trim.vlmcThis function returns a trimmed VLMC from which match...
trim.vlmc_cppThis function returns a trimmed VLMC from which match...
tune_covlmcFit an optimal Variable Length Markov Chain with Covariates...
tune_vlmcFit an optimal Variable Length Markov Chain (VLMC)
vlmcFit a Variable Length Markov Chain (VLMC)
mixvlmc documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:32 p.m.