Man pages for mnis
Easy Downloading Capabilities for the Members' Name Information Service

date_tidyA function that makes date variables returned from the API...
mnismnis: Easy Downloading Capabilities for the Member Name...
mnis_additionalAdditional member information
mnis_all_membersAll members data
mnis_all_referenceReturns a list of 39 tibbles, with the name and data returned...
mnis_baseA generic function for the MNIS API
mnis_bomStrip out BOM from JSON data
mnis_constituency_resultsConstituency election results
mnis_full_biogFull Biography
mnis_general_election_resultsElection results
mnis_joined_betweenMembers who joined between two dates.
mnis_lords_typePeers' party affiliations
mnis_member_dateReturns a tibble with a member's status on a given date.
mnis_mps_on_dateAll MPs between two dates
mnis_party_stateParty standing on a given date
mnis_peers_on_datePeers on date
mnis_political_interestsPolitical and Geographical Interests
mnis_referenceReference data
mnis_tidyFunctions to tidy up the variable names returned from the...
tidy_bomA function to strip Byte Order Marks (BOM) out of JSON data...
mnis documentation built on April 4, 2021, 1:06 a.m.