Man pages for multilateral
Generalised Function to Calculate a Variety of Multilateral Price Index Methods

check_inputsAll checks
fill_missingfill missing data points
fixed_tLaspeyres or Paasche
get_chain_index_dfGet chained index df and splice information
get_index_dfGet spliced index df and splice information
get_index_listGet index list
get_window_periodsGet whole windows period index
get_window_st_periodGet window start period index
gm_meanGeometric mean
index_modelIndex model
IT_tImputation Tornqvist (GEKS-IT), also known as the ITRYGEKS...
multilateralMultilateral price index calculation
splice_updateSplice update
synthetic_gfkSynthetic scanner data for one consumer electronic product
TDHTime Dummy Hedonic (TDH)
TPDTime Product Dummy (TPD), also known as Fixed Effects Window...
turveyArtificial prices of seasonal products Data created by R....
multilateral documentation built on April 20, 2022, 9:06 a.m.