Man pages for multiview
Cooperative Learning for Multi-View Analysis coefficients from a cv.multiview object
coef.multiviewExtract coefficients from a multiview object
coef_orderedExtract an ordered list of standardized coefficients from a... an ordered list of standardized coefficients from a...
coef_ordered.multiviewExtract an ordered list of standardized coefficients from a...
collapse_named_listsCollapse a list of named lists into one list with the same...
cox_obj_functionElastic net objective function value for Cox regression model
cv.multiviewPerform k-fold cross-validation for cooperative learning
dev_functionElastic net deviance value
elnet.fitSolve weighted least squares (WLS) problem for a single...
get_cox_lambda_maxGet lambda max for Cox regression model
get_etaHelper function to get etas (linear predictions)
get_startGet null deviance, starting mu and lambda max
make_rowBuild a block row matrix for multiview
multiviewPerform cooperative learning using the direct algorithm for...
multiview.controlInternal multiview parameters
multiview.cox.fitFit a Cox regression model with elastic net regularization...
multiview.cox.pathFit a Cox regression model with elastic net regularization...
multiview.fitFit a GLM with elastic net regularization for a single value...
multiview-packageCooperative learning for multiple views using generalized...
multiview.pathFit a GLM with elastic net regularization for a path of...
obj_functionElastic net objective function value
pen_functionElastic net penalty value
plot.multiviewPlot coefficients from a "multiview" object predictions from a "cv.multiview" object.
predict.multiviewGet predictions from a 'multiview' fit object
reshape_x_to_xlistReturn a new list of x matrices of same shapes as those in...
response.coxnetMake response for coxnet
select_matrix_list_columnsSelect x_list columns specified by (conformable) list of...
to_nvar_indexTranslate from column indices in list of x matrices to...
to_xlist_indexTranslate indices in '1:nvars' to column indices in list of x...
view.contributionEvaluate the contribution of data views in making prediction
weighted_mean_sdHelper function to compute weighted mean and standard...
multiview documentation built on April 3, 2023, 5:20 p.m.