Man pages for mvgam
Multivariate (Dynamic) Generalized Additive Models

add_residuals.mvgamCalculate randomized quantile residuals for mvgam objects
all_neon_tick_dataNEON Amblyomma and Ixodes tick abundance survey data
codeStan code and data objects for mvgam models
conditional_effects.mvgamDisplay Conditional Effects of Predictors
dynamicDefining dynamic coefficients in mvgam formulae
ensemble.mvgam_forecastCombine mvgam forecasts into evenly weighted ensembles
evaluate_mvgamsEvaluate forecasts from fitted mvgam objects
fitted.mvgamExpected Values of the Posterior Predictive Distribution
forecast.mvgamExtract or compute hindcasts and forecasts for a fitted...
formula.mvgamExtract formulae from mvgam objects
get_mvgam_priorsExtract information on default prior distributions for an...
GPSpecify dynamic Gaussian processes
gratia_mvgam_enhancementsEnhance mvgam post-processing using gratia functionality
hindcast.mvgamExtract hindcasts for a fitted 'mvgam' object
index-mvgamIndex 'mvgam' objects
irf.mvgamCalculate latent VAR impulse response functions
lfo_cv.mvgamApproximate leave-future-out cross-validation of fitted...
logLik.mvgamCompute pointwise Log-Likelihoods from fitted 'mvgam' objects
loo.mvgamLOO information criteria for 'mvgam' models
lv_correlationsCalculate trend correlations based on mvgam latent factor...
mcmc_plot.mvgamMCMC plots as implemented in 'bayesplot'
model.frame.mvgamExtract model.frame from a fitted mvgam object
monotonicMonotonic splines in mvgam
mvgamFit a Bayesian dynamic GAM to a univariate or multivariate...
mvgam-classFitted 'mvgam' object description
mvgam_diagnosticsExtract diagnostic quantities of 'mvgam' models
mvgam_drawsExtract posterior draws from fitted 'mvgam' objects
mvgam_familiesSupported mvgam families
mvgam_forecast-class'mvgam_forecast' object description
mvgam_formulaeDetails of formula specifications in 'mvgam'
mvgam_irf-class'mvgam_irf' object description
mvgam_marginaleffectsHelper functions for mvgam marginaleffects calculations
mvgam_trendsSupported mvgam trend models
pairs.mvgamCreate a matrix of output plots from a 'mvgam' object
piecewise_trendsSpecify piecewise linear or logistic trends
pipePipe operator
plot.mvgamDefault mvgam plots
plot_mvgam_factorsLatent factor summaries for a fitted mvgam object
plot_mvgam_forecastsPlot mvgam posterior predictions for a specified series
plot.mvgam_irfPlot impulse responses from an mvgam_irf object This function...
plot.mvgam_lfoPlot Pareto-k and ELPD values from a leave-future-out object
plot_mvgam_ptermsPlot mvgam parametric term partial effects
plot_mvgam_randomeffectsPlot mvgam random effect terms
plot_mvgam_residsResidual diagnostics for a fitted mvgam object
plot_mvgam_seriesPlot observed time series used for mvgam modelling
plot_mvgam_smoothPlot mvgam smooth terms
plot_mvgam_trendPlot mvgam latent trend for a specified series
plot_mvgam_uncertaintyPlot mvgam forecast uncertainty contributions for a specified...
portal_dataPortal Project rodent capture survey data
posterior_epred.mvgamDraws from the Expected Value of the Posterior Predictive...
posterior_linpred.mvgamPosterior Draws of the Linear Predictor
posterior_predict.mvgamDraws from the Posterior Predictive Distribution
pp_check.mvgamPosterior Predictive Checks for 'mvgam' Objects
ppc.mvgamPlot mvgam posterior predictive checks for a specified series
predict.mvgamPredict from the GAM component of an mvgam model
print.mvgamSummary for a fitted mvgam object
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
residuals.mvgamPosterior draws of 'mvgam' residuals
RWSpecify autoregressive dynamic processes
score.mvgam_forecastCompute probabilistic forecast scores for mvgam objects
series_to_mvgamThis function converts univariate or multivariate time series...
sim_mvgamSimulate a set of time series for mvgam modelling
summary.mvgamSummary for a fitted mvgam object
update.mvgamUpdate an existing 'mvgam' object
mvgam documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:55 p.m.