Man pages for nemBM
Using Network Evolution Models to Generate Networks with Selected Blockmodel Type

assortativityAssortativity mechanism
chooseBlockRowSum of squared error across blocks
genNetworkLERelocating Links algorithm (RL algorithm)
globalDensityNetwork density based on an image matrix and a partition
mutualityMutuality mechanism
nemGenerating networks according to the selected local network...
nemBMNetwork evolution model with a prespecified blockmodel type...
nemSymGenerating symmetric networks according to the selected local...
nemSymBMinoutNetwork evolution model with a prespecified blockmodel type...
normalizeRsphereNormalize values on a sphere
OSPtransitivityOutgoing shared partners mechanism
OTPtransitivityOutgoing two-path mechanism
popularityPopularity mechanism
randomizePartitionRandomize a partition
RLRelocating Links algorithm (RL algorithm)
SSEblockSum of squared error across blocks
WeightedNetworkStatisticsWeighted network statistics
nemBM documentation built on Dec. 16, 2022, 5:06 p.m.