Man pages for nngeo
k-Nearest Neighbor Join for Spatial Data

citiesPoint layer of the three largest cities in Israel
lineSample network dataset: lines
nngeo-packagenngeo: k-Nearest Neighbor Join for Spatial Data
pntSample network dataset: points
st_azimuthCalculate the azimuth between pairs of points
st_connectCreate lines between features of two layers
st_ellipseCalculate ellipse polygon
st_nnNearest Neighbor Search for Simple Features
st_postgisSend 'sf' layer to a PostGIS query
st_remove_holesRemove polygon holes
st_segmentsSplit polygons or lines to segments
townsPoint layer of towns in Israel
waterPolygonal layer of water bodies in Israel
nngeo documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:34 a.m.